Tuesday 31 January 2012


Life is about connections.
Connections make a difference between a life fulfilled and a life un-lived.
The bonds we form can turn up in the most unlikely of places: a teacher, friend, animal or complete stranger.
But what makes each bond unique is the individuals that form them; there is a connection, trust and a sense of belonging.
Without these connections and bonds life becomes much more difficult. We don't always have the necessary support and confidence to bolster us to achieve more. We don't have the shoulder to cry on which allows us to move on and sometimes to heal.
Real bonds can seem like magic: adaptable, stretching across time and continents, and surviving unbelievable events and even disasters.
True connections make us stronger, they allow us to walk through life hand in hand, while still allowing us to experience life on our own and become confident and self aware individuals. They help to shelter us from storms,give us peace and a place to just be as well as give us the wings and momentum to go out into the world both strong and confident.
Person's with learning disabilities and or social difficulties often face a real challenge when trying to form these connections and bonds.
They lack the tools and skills necessary to seek out their counterparts and form the bonds necessary to establish these connections and blossom. 
This is where our children and families need support. They need to be taught the value of these connections, and given the social skills and tools necessary to form them. Some skills are innate, others need to be taught and some coaxed out. Regardless of what is needed it is essential to develop these skills as they help us to navigate through life and every circumstance that arises.
Life is social, and to navigate it successfully we need these tools and skills. But more important than success is having the support to try, and to try again, without judgement.
Life is about connections and connections give us strength to go on even when we alone can't fathom it.
Give your child, friend, family strength. Be their connection.

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