Saturday 10 March 2012


Love is a gift that can be given unconditionally and taken away in a heartbeat.
It is the soft embrace of a mother's arms, the voice that leads you to believe in miracles and one of the most amazing gifts we can give.
To truly give love takes courage.
When we open our hearts to someone we also open ourselves to hurt and pain, but please, as scary as that is don't let that stop you.
Loving someone can give them the courage to stand up for themselves and give them the extra push to chase their dreams.
It allows us to forgive immeasurable wrongs and heal the deepest of wounds.
Love is a powerful tool.
Love yourself, your children, your friends and family.
Love can be blind, but real love can tell the difference, see the faults, see the bad, and continue to love in spite of it.
Love is not never ending and can be broken, abused and bled dry.
So cherish it and honour the person who gave it.
Give love, speak with love and have reverence for the gift of love.
Cherish and honour it everyday, as you should cherish and honour yourself.
Do not take it for granted.
A person does not have to love. They choose to.

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